I live my life in gratitude. In November, 1999, I was diagnosed with breast cancer and my life changed forever. After going through aggressive radiotherapy and chemotherapy, and mastectomy surgery, I have developed a full appreciation for life. I’ve made a promise to myself and God that I will never take life nor anything for granted. This year makes 16 years since I’ve kicked cancer to the curb! I will continue to use every opportunity and especially in October (Breast Cancer Awareness Month) to share my story and to encourage other women and men out there fighting breast cancer. Helping my fellow sisters through counselling gives so much more meaning to life.
Early detection is key! Please do your monthly self examination and your yearly mammogram (40+ years). Mammograms can be done earlier if breast cancer runs in your family. There is actually a HIGH RATE of surviving breast cancer once caught early. Good nutrition, exercise, and a low stress life are important to have a balanced and healthy lifestyle and a cancer free one too.
If you’ve been diagnosed with cancer, get help now. Time is of the essence, you can survive and live for years to come.
For support groups, you may reach out to the Jamaica Reach to Recovery or the Jamaica Cancer Society. The JRTR support group meets every second Tuesday at 5pm at the Webster Memorial Church.
Blessings and Prosperity,
Sandra Samuels – Cancer Survivor
CEO Totally Male Spa